Hay fever (allergic rhinitis or pollinosis), is an allergy characterized by sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, a runny nose and a burning sensation of the palate and throat. It is usually caused by allergies to airborne substances such as dust, moulds, pollens, animal fur and feathers.

Hay fever is most common in people with a family history of similar complaints or a personal history of eczema, hives (urticaria), and/or asthma.

Allium cepa (All-c.)

This remedy, prepared from the red onion, treats the symptom of streaming eyes and nose that is worse in warm and stuffy rooms. (People who need All-c may even crave and feel better for eating onions.) Their nasal discharge burns while tears from the eyes are bland – the opposite to Euphrasia’s symptoms. Sneezing can be intense and frequent and eyes are sensitive to the light.

Many symptoms of this remedy corresponds to hay fever; it has a thin watery discharge from the nose which excoriates the upper lip, but still the nose is stuffed up. There is much sneezing from irritation in the nose.the coryza is worse after midnight or from a change of weather.excessive sneezing and fluent coryza with a thin acrid discharge are its indications

Nux vomica (Nux-v.)

This is one of the best remedies for when there is lots of sneezing, streaming from the eyes and nose, and an irritable, nasty mood.  (If they are sweet tempered, it is unlikely to help.) The symptoms are worse in dry air and relieved when the atmosphere is damp.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m.)

Initially, there is a streaming, bland discharge from both the eyes and nose with lots of sneezing.  Later, there is nasal discharge that is thick and clear like the white of an egg with loss of taste and smell.  This is not one of the main remedies for hay fever but it can bring great relief to the type who gets easily burned, feel generally miserable, uncomfortable, blotchy and irritated in the sun.

 hay fever with watery discharge, profuse coryza and frontal pains. There is spasmodic and continual sneezing with only slight catarrhal discharge. It will often cut short an attack.
Should be used to this end in the higher potencies.
Sinapis nigra
hay fever; the membrane of the nose is hot and dry, no discharge, worse afternoon and evening.

Kali bichromicum ( Kali-bi.)

Consider this remedy when thick, stringy, green or yellowish mucus from the nose or throat is present. There may also be a post-nasal or pain at the root of the nose relieved by hard pressure.

Sulphur (Sulph.)

Watery, burning nasal discharge, or a blocked nose, when outside. Frequent sneezing. Blocking of nose on alternate sides. Burning pain in eyes. Symptoms worsened by warmth and becoming warm in bed. Better for being in open air. May be lazy, opinionated, and desire sweets, alcohol, and spicy food.

great sensitiveness to cold Psoric or neuro arthritic soil indicates the remedy.

Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.)

The main indications for this remedy are a weepy, needy, state of mind, together with discharges that are thick, bland (not acrid) and green or yellow.  Pulsatilla frequently has one side of the nose blocked or congested.

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